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function createScope


function createScope(frame?: Frame): [Scope, () => Future<void>]

Create a new scope to serve as an entry point from normal JavaScript execution into Effection.

When creating a fresh scope (as opposed to capturing a reference to an existing one via https://effection-www-jctyb5nxhzq0.deno.dev/api/v3/createScope/useScope) it is the responsibility of the creator of the new scope to destroy it when it is no longer needed.


Example 1

let [scope, destroy] = createScope();
let task = scope.run(function*() {
  //do some long running work

//... later
await destroy();


frameoptional: Frame

Return Type

[https://effection-www-jctyb5nxhzq0.deno.dev/api/v3/createScope/Scope, () => https://effection-www-jctyb5nxhzq0.deno.dev/api/v3/createScope/Future&lt;void>]

a tuple containing the new scope, and a function to destroy it.